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Host a Trade Show at Prairieland Park!

We take careful precautions to ensure a safe trade show experience. This includes marked one-way traffic and maintaining a 10′ distance between booths. Trade shows will be hosted in Hall B.

• Per day, per booth rate. Includes facility, drape, table, 2 chairs, 110v electrical, on site cleaning attendants, and public address system.

• Laptops, webcam & lapel mics available for hosting virtual presentations. Programs available to supplement virtual trade show platforms.

Room Rates

Valid to August 31, 2021. All pricing subject to applicable taxes.

• Per day, per booth rate. Includes facility, drape, table, 2 chairs, 110v electrical, on site cleaning attendants, and public address system.

• Laptops, webcam & lapel mics available for hosting virtual presentations. Programs available to supplement virtual trade show platforms.

One Day Event
$90 per booth
Two Day Event
$75 per booth, per day
Three Day Event
$60 per booth, per day
Movie in day only
$35 per booth

Request a Trade Show Event to begin the booking process.

Our sales manager will be in touch with you shortly after receiving your information to discuss details and pricing.